Did you know that there is a common denominator between low thyroid function better known as hypothyroidism and degenerative diseases? There is another common denominator between low adrenal function secondary to stress and degenerative diseases. Now any of us in this day and age do not have the stress of one form or another in our lives.
Dr. Barnes noted researcher in the thyroid, said that 40% of the population has low thyroid function. There are many potential reasons for being hypothyroid. Mercury from fillings in the mouth can have an adverse effect and contribute to under-functioning thyroids. Chlorine and fluoride, often found in ordinary drinking water, poison the thyroid gland.
Brom, which is commonly found in bread and soft drinks such as Gatorade and Mountain Dew, is harmful not only for thyroid function, but can also contribute to aggressive behavior, and gastrointestinal problems. Chlorine, fluoride and bromide were all in the same chemical family (halogen) as well as iodine, which is an essential mineral for thyroid. They are competing with iodine and reduce the production of hormones. Did you know that there is a common denominator between low thyroid function better known as hypothyroidism and degenerative diseases? There is another common denominator between low adrenal function secondary to stress and degenerative diseases. Now any of us in this day and age do not have the stress of one form or another in our lives.
It's amazing how many health problems, and weight control problems can be traced to improperly functioning thyroid. Here is a simple test to check your thyroid work: Take your temperature at the bottom five in the morning. Do this by placing the thermometer in the bed tonight. Put it under your arm for 10 minutes immediately after waking up (before moving around or getting out of bed). Do this for 5 consecutive days. If the average temperature is below 97.8, you might consider finding a doctor who understands how the thyroid functions in the government deficit and get treatment. healthy thyroid can make a big difference in your life!
It's amazing how many health problems, and weight control problems can be traced to improperly functioning thyroid. Here is a simple test to check your thyroid work: Take your temperature at the bottom five in the morning. Do this by placing the thermometer in the bed tonight. Put it under your arm for 10 minutes immediately after waking up (before moving around or getting out of bed). Do this for 5 consecutive days. If the average temperature is below 97.8, you might consider finding a doctor who understands how the thyroid functions in the government deficit and get treatment. healthy thyroid can make a big difference in your life!
...It's amazing how many health problems, and weight control problems can be traced to improperly functioning thyroid. Here is a simple test to check your thyroid work: Take your temperature at the bottom five in the morning. Do this by placing the thermometer in the bed tonight. Put it under your arm for 10 minutes immediately after waking up (before moving around or getting out of bed). Do this for 5 consecutive days. If the average temperature is below 97.8, you might consider finding a doctor who understands how the thyroid functions in the government deficit and get treatment. healthy thyroid can make a big difference in your life!
The good thing is that when you discover that you have low thyroid condition, you can treat it! By getting on the right diet, doing the right exercises and taking desiccated bovine thyroid , it can really change your life.