The loss of life is never easy to deal with. Unfortunately, I had to deal with more than I would have him in both animal rescue and veterinary medicine.
Times have changed, and most people no longer consider their dogs, cats and pets. Instead, they are family members or "baby". We care for our "furry children" just like we would a human child. But when the end of life approaches, what options are available in mind our friends? How to say goodbye?
the loss of a pet can be heart-wrenching and emotional experience. When your furry loved one can no longer enjoy the quality of life, euthanasia (which means "easy death") can really be a blessing for your pet. However, ending the life of your best friend is difficult.
I see people struggle with knowing when the time is right. Your veterinarian can help you recognize when your pet is suffering and discuss your options and whether or not your pet can still enjoy the quality of life. Some pet owners report that the "unspoken signs" will pass between them and their pets, signaling that it is okay to let go. Recently we had an owner who wanted to spend Christmas of last season with his dog before greeting. (her dog ended up passing on their own without medical help immediately after Christmas .)
It does not matter if the death comes suddenly or gently through the trauma of the vet's office - without exception, the result is the same: You are suddenly left with an empty feeling. Many are just a few precious memories and photos of their beloved pet.
These planning a funeral for your pet, and many people might snicker at you. However, pet memorial services and burial are becoming increasingly common across North America. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, more than 600 pet cemeteries and crematoria are now offering funeral services for pets. Coleen Ellis, owner Fri Angel Memorial Center in Caramel, Indiana has seen its business expand as more pet owners want to find a way to memorialize your pet. Ellis said: "The owners often come to our chapel and amazed at all the different ideas that are offered for helping them to celebrate the life of your pet ."
Now you can buy decorative urns, garden stones engraved with the name of your pet and the opportunity, memories, paw prints and many other items that will help you remember your lost loved one.
owners often say good-bye to their pet in a clinical setting, and most do not have the opportunity to come together, as they would if a human family member died. There is no doubt that our pets touch our lives deeply through their unconditional love. For many, the loss of that love and loss period of time. As pets live longer, many owners are faced with the death of a companion, who saw them through college, new career, and maybe even a marriage or two. This loss can be overwhelming for some.
Pet loss support hotlines have been set up at many veterinary schools, and even some of the larger veterinary hospitals. Many veterinarians and their staff to take special classes in grief counseling to help their clients cope with the loss of their pet. While acknowledging that this level of grief is difficult for some people, as well as May and they fear ridicule and scorn of friends and family. However, the, people should not feel ashamed or embarrassed by these feelings. Grief counseling is often just what the doctor ordered for pet owners suffer a loss.
Just like our pets now receive a "human quality" medical care, many dogs, cats and other pets are remembered in a way similar to human funerals. Remember that grief is a normal occurrence. If you have trouble following the death of a pet, seek professional help. Allow yourself time to mourn and celebrate the precious life that you lost.
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