Training a dog to therapy dog can be so rewarding. Your dog will love their new job. There are many dogs that are well suited for this position in life. Your dog should not be a pure bred dog fancy - Mixed Breed dog that has a good personality will bring joy to those he visited. It will be good manners, and his coat should be clean. Do not bring your dog if the object of his coat was dingy and dirty. If you do not bathe him yourself, then take him to the groomer. Make sure the toenails clipped, so as not to scratch furniture or leather. A dog that is going to be petted and hugged should be sweet smelling. It is also good for brushing your dog to excess hair that might be shed. Many dogs have hair that does not shed and good for people with allergies to the hair - as Yorkshire Terriers.There the other wonderful dogs that do not shed, but even if your dog sheds his coat, that does not exclude it from being a therapy dog. Just do some extensive grooming before he makes his rounds.
You and your dog need a seminar in May and behavior dog behavior training. You can choose to train your dog alone in home.You need to make sure that your dog understands basic commands sit, stay, come, down and around the hand signals from you.You want to make sure your dog has a temperament appropriate therapy dog . He can not be fast or Barky and he must love to petted and hugged. He can be wary of strangers, because he will be meeting new people.
Going to the assisted living facility can be stressful for you and your dog's first couple of times. You May want to visit the facility without your dog first to get the feel of the place, so you know your way around. Meet the staff and possibly some of the residents to see who will meet your future visits. You must know the inputs and outputs that you and your dog are welcome to use. Also, find out where your dog will be allowed to go and relieve himself. Always a doggie bag with you to clean up behind the dog so that you will be welcome to return in the future. As your visit will probably take a couple of hours, be sure to have water and perhaps a little food for your dog. After all, this visit takes a lot of your dog!
There May be an open space such as a covered porch where a few people may be able to unite to meet you and your dog.This works beautifully for those residents who are in wheelchairs. You'll need to know if anyone is afraid or allergic to dogs. You do not want them in an awkward situation, but also do not want to take your dog in any unpleasant situation.
There will always be a certain amount of stress every time you visit with your dog therapy, as it will be new people to meet. As long as your dog is comfortable in that situation, the smells of the facility and the different levels of noise would not be a concern. You will meet many residents of these facilities if you visit on a regular basis. It will mean so much to those who are closed and the dog did not enjoy socializing in a long time.
If you have a company of his dog on a daily basis, can you imagine how much they would miss it if you suddenly could not have a dog with you? That's why therapy dogs play such an important role. You'll both be greatly rewarded.
So, if your dog needs a little more training, it's time to start. so that you can begin to bring some joy back into these people's lives who live in these nursing homes or rehabilitation facilities. Let's start spreading some joy!
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