It seems to me that too many people taking a big cut cake health care for themselves. Instead of a mediator, we have a number of brokers who come to the sick person and his or her care. And it's gotten too top heavy, the way out of control.
medical schools to reap huge profits from their business, and it does the job. Doctors have run up huge loans to go to medical school, then self-justified to become specialists (because that's where the money), and charge huge amounts for their services because their services were operating. Actually they were on commission, no different than used car salesman!
to make a profit hospitals and insurance companies, healthcare organizations, medical supply companies, particularly manufacturers of drugs (and I'm sure there are other companies that I thought). Of course, none of these moneymaking enterprises want to lose nickel, and so you have a violent struggle in Congress now, and mercenary practices that area right now, or pay high fees for insurance company employees who can find reasons to fall sick people from their shelves insurance, or find reasons not to provide good people because they had some illnesses in the past. I believe that these criminal practices of the border.
But it will get worse. I predict health care as a thing of the past for most people in the near future, as well as the standard of living in this country must be rejected because, as our national credit card, which is unjustified false defending our high standard of living for many years becomes limited in the future. (All our manufacturing is moving to places that do not have a gazillion agent ).
then, for us in the United States, it will be "up front money or without it," the emergency room, just like third world countries. the rich will be fine, but the common man will suffer greatly.
can be a communist Cuba, but their health care industry is second to none, because it is not a money making proposition, it is a nonprofit human service to the Cuban people. medical schools are state run, doctors are salaried government, hospitals, staff, vendors, etc., all the same. A drug manufacturers can charge exorbitant rates Cuba as they can get away with here in the United States, because Cuba can buy in the world. All you can shop the Walmart pharmacy.
All you should do is to take profits at every step of our health care system, replacing it with love and compassion, and the health care problem will be solved and the problem of the developing countries in the hatred that is expressed in the House of Representatives home recently. Hatred is like picking up a hot coal to throw at the enemy, just burn your own hands
.It all boils down to greed, contempt for our fellow man, and a misunderstanding of what truly makes people happy, which was never ultimately money. This attitude is greed wrecked many civilizations, let alone the state, and I fear for the United States. I predict a fall, and soon. wealthy will fight tooth and nail to keep their wealth to cry "socialism" at the first mention of concern about the disadvantaged, and a common man to care for themselves, because they just do not get it. When we say that we are all one, they laugh, and get color. Hard times are coming. And tough times tend to trickle up, sometimes very quickly, depending on the mood of the common man and woman.
"Let them eat cake" said Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793), queen consort of Louis XVI. It is supposed to have said this when he said that the French people had no bread to eat. And it rings so true for the debate now raging in Congress. Key in "Sick and Wrong: Rolling Stone" for a good explanation of our dilemma Congress
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