Sunday, 19 June 2011

Healthy Thanksgiving Sides to Avoid Adding on Extra Pounds

Thanksgiving is a great time of year, but can also be detrimental to your waistline. Overeating and overloading on calories, fat, sugar, and much more can definitely add on pounds. Fortunately, there are some great opportunities for a healthy Thanksgiving party, so you can still eat all the foods you enjoy with half the calories and avoid adding unwanted pounds. Keep reading for some tips to make your meals healthier this Thanksgiving.

1 Opt for veggie sides over složencima.Strani vegetables can come in at a whopping 60 calories. While pot may have more than 150 to 200 calories. Simply opting for the green beans over the green bean casserole, you can save more than 100 calories, and also loading up on lots of vitamins and nutrients.

2 Stick with the sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are an excellent choice. They taste great and have fewer calories than many versions of creamy mashed potatoes or potato dishes. Be sure to choose a sweet potato with cinnamon rather than one loaded with brown sugar, butter, and marshmallow topping.

3 Choose fresh dinner rolls whole grain. First, you'll be getting more fiber and nutrients, but also more likely to avoid processed, chemical filled with features often found in the freezer section. Also, look for the rolls without added fat topping, or at least add their own and spread it on lightly.

4 Eat a little of everything. It's hard not to have a few favorite items, even if they are high calorie. So, load up on the healthier choices, and only a small portion of the not so good side of objects. That way you can still have a few bites and enjoy the taste.

and go enjoy a great Thanksgiving meal! There are ways to have a healthy Thanksgiving side and avoid unwanted weight gain.

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