Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Things to Know About Brain Tumors

It should be noted that although the headache is a symptom of certain brain tumors, it was quite late feature of disease. It May not be present in many early cases of brain cancer. Therefore, a brain tumor should be diagnosed long before the headaches, bearing in mind the various symptoms with which a brain tumor at first, and which are expected to suffer consult your doctor for early detection or exclusion of brain tumors. urgent computed tomographic (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is usually necessary for accurate diagnosis. However, severe recurrent headaches with or without vomiting, increased cough / bent, is an important warning signal of a brain tumor. It can also be noted that the vomiting, and papilla (the neurologist / ophthalmologist confirmed after examination with ophthalmoscope fund) are late manifestations of a brain tumor. In addition to headaches, other presenting symptoms of a brain tumor that must be borne in mind of the masses are given below:

(i) seizures

If seizures occur after adulthood and / or are not controlled or increase in frequency, even with the administration of antiepileptic drugs, the possibility of a brain tumor must be suspected.

(ii) neurological deficits

a variety of neurological deficits as a visual-field defects, or impaired vision in one or both eyes, squint, double vision (diplopia), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), especially in one of the ears, unilateral deafness, loss of smell (anosmia ), especially on one side, difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), nasal regurgitation, weakness in one limb or limbs from the same side, difficulty in speaking, including reading and writing, the uncertainty in the legs while walking or in their hands while doing some work , tremor, rigidity or involuntary movements, etc., should be borne in mind


(iii) unexplained psychological symptoms:

such as depression, memory loss, sudden changes in personality / behavior, etc. It is also important to bear in mind.

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