Some women experience what is called Candida die of symptoms when treating their infections. Why? Here you will learn the causes and how to prevent candida die of symptoms occurs when cure your candida.
Before we go any further, we just need to review what we know about the cause of Candida (yeast infection) ... The cause of frightening the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans. This natural fungus usually causes no problems for us, because the friendly bacteria in our bodies keeps the yeast under control. However, there are occasions when our good bacteria is not able to do so in the candida fungus overgrows or yeast infection.
then we have to treat infection with drug-based medications or natural or both. No, it does not matter which way you decide to go together in terms of trying to cure your candida, there are times when you might suffer a nasty Candida die off symptoms ...
Candida die off symptoms
Candida die off symptoms do not always happen, but they can occur as a result of the treatment of Candida in such a way that the candida albicans fungus from dying too fast for your body to handle. You see, like mushrooms dies produces toxins in your body. Now, if the rate of decay is "natural", then your body can handle these toxins so they do not suffer a reaction.
But if the decay is too fast for your body to handle, and then left the toxins can cause problems. It may even be more, or something completely different, such as depression, irritability, headache, anxiety, joint / muscle pain, diarrhea, etc.
the point is that although the candida die off symptoms are horrible, it does not mean that the drug does not work, does that really mean that! Do not forget that you are experiencing these symptoms just because the candida fungus dies. However, you want to avoid the death of the symptoms, if you ...
How to prevent candida die off symptoms
You can see then, how important it is to adjust the speed at which you initially begin any medication, to ensure that it not only works effectively, but it is so, it causes no complications in any of candida die off. So it was not drug use must be taken with caution in terms of how powerful it is and how quickly they can act on the fungus Candida albicans.
For example, one of the most important remedies for candida is to change your diet. As the fungus feeds on sugar to survive, it is important to avoid sugar in the diet. I break down carbohydrates in the diet of sugar during the digestive process. So, be careful not to suddenly stop this, but gradually removed over time.
the same with using things such as coconut oil, probiotics, garlic and other home remedies to eliminate your candida. Introduce them gradually to avoid killing the yeast too quickly. The same is true for even the drug-based anti-fungal medication, follow the instructions carefully. So take care and reap the rewards.
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