Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Two Phases Of Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

If you meet someone whose mood swings for no apparent reason, you may find it a bit strange. Sometimes change can be very dramatic, that somehow can feel the colors that person. You may even feel that the person is mentally ill because of their unusual behavior. What I do not know is that this behavior may be one of the many symptoms of bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a type of mental disorder that causes a person to have mood swings without even realizing it. One minute is a very happy and in addition he or depressed or angry. Bipolar symptoms can be very confusing and unsettling, and that could cause people with this disorder are alienated by their peers. This social alienation will only cause more hurt you are suffering, because what they really need is someone who can help them. This article will tell you about the different phases of bipolar symptoms, so if you suspect that you have a family member or friend suffering from bipolar disorder, you can help them in fighting condition.

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms of bipolar disorder causes a person to have drastic changes raspoloženja.Smjene mood may happen quickly or postupno.Težini mood swing varies among sufferers, it varies from mild to severe. There are two phases of mood changes often experienced by people with this condition, the manic phase and depressive phase.

manic phase usually causes a person to get over-excited, very active, and sometimes creative. During this phase, people with bipolar disorder often feel assertive and expressive. Also, will find it difficult to control your feelings, because he just gets too excited about everything. He will actively move even without feeling the least bit tired, and it will only lead to lack of sleep.

On the other hand, there is a depressive phase. As the name suggests, this phase is the opposite of the manic phase. We can clearly see the signs of depression during this phase. The person will be too sad without some reason, crying over nothing, and will even be isolated from society. During this phase, the person will seem to have no interest in anything at all and he will easily feel tired or anxious, not knowing the reasons.

treatment of bipolar disorder symptoms is not an easy task to implement. Even so, with patience and persistence can surely cure the disease. As a friend or family, you have to motivate and support him during the recovery process.

Monday 7 November 2011

Symptoms Of Mild Autism

Autism is a type of brain disorder that begins forming in early childhood and lasts throughout the lifetime of the individual. Symptoms of mild autism is commonly associated with other neurobiological disorder known as Asperger sindrom.Dijete can not usually show signs of autism by age 3 years and it is just past the age that parents can start watching the symptoms of mild autism. In most cases, children are exhibiting symptoms of mild autism grow up to have an average IQ levels, and sometimes even higher. To help parents recognize the symptoms right time, we have outlined some of them as follows:

No. 1: Children who suffer from symptoms typically finds it difficult to start talking or making friends with other children. Even in cases where the child initiates the discussion, he / she is able to sustain for long.

No. 2: Children can get so anxious to play with a toy that he / she can completely ignore the presence of other people around him / her. In some cases, the child shows symptoms of
also continue to stare at a toy for a long stretch of time.

No. 3: Some children who show a very strange features of communication such as talking too much or talk about completely unrelated things said to be showing symptoms of mild autism


No. 4: In some cases, showing a huge interest in all the minute details of the non-trivial matter or theme. For example, a person may be able to name and count every item that goes into making vacuum cleaners.

No. 5: Children of a painful mild autism may find it extremely difficult to maintain eye-to-eye contact with others for a long time


No. 6: If your child has a very strange characteristics such as severe mood swings at a young age or lack of consideration for others, he / she May be suffering from a mild form of autism

No. 7:. Another common characteristic of children exhibiting symptoms is that they often repeat lines from a certain book, movie or a previous conversation

No. 8: Kid can also display serious problems in figuring out the second language of individuals and bodies showed very poor motility


that is normally observed that children with symptoms of mild autism regularly teased and pulled up by their friends and relatives. Parents should take care that children with this type of special condition dealt with care. If neglected, all such dull and ignorance can lead to children becoming severely autistic.

Pregnancy Symptoms, Signs and Symptoms of Being Pregnant

early pregnancy symptoms

Although many women experience pregnancy symptoms, and find signs of being pregnant, the other does not "feel" pregnant. Some signs and symptoms of being pregnant can be confused with other bolestima.Sljedeći list of some telltale symptoms of pregnancy. Morning sickness is one of the most common signs of being pregnant, but you also may be one of the lucky ones who never experience this pregnancy symptom. Missing a period is another sign and symptom of being pregnant. We will go into the details, and you can read below.


One of the most common signs and symptoms of being pregnant, missing a period can also be caused by other reasons. Although missing a period is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, stress, illness, weight fluctuations or coming off the oral contraceptive pill can also be the cause of it. Irregular periods are a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition in which the period can occur several months later. If you still feel as if you are experiencing other pregnancy symptoms, continue reading the other signs that she is pregnant.

breast tenderness

Another sign and symptom of pregnancy is the change in size and feel of their breasts. For several days after conception, this pregnancy symptom may occur. Your breast is beginning to increase, as it gets ready for breastfeeding. Many women claim that their breasts are very sensitive and they experience a very sharp, burning sensation, as well. Being one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant, the tenderness of the breast often disappears a few weeks later.

nausea and vomiting

is considered one of the classic signs and symptoms of being pregnant, nausea and vomiting (ie sickness) has become one of the most feared of all pregnancy symptoms. Feeling sick is a common complaint and experienced by most women from weeks 5-6 of their pregnancy. However, morning sickness can be felt for two weeks after conception. Morning sickness can occur at any time of day, and can vary from occasional weak sense of overwhelming vomiting and nausea. By and large, morning sickness is one of the symptoms of pregnancy that disappears at the end of the first quarter.


Many women experience fatigue as one of their pregnancy symptoms. Although this may be a sign that she is pregnant, it can also indicate other things as well.

darkening of the areola

Being one of the first physical symptoms of pregnancy, the darkening of the areola can occur throughout pregnancy. If you notice a darkening of the areola, this could be considered as one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant.

Frequent urination

If you have to urinate more frequently, it may be another of the pregnancy symptoms that confirm that you are pregnant. Already two weeks after conception, you may also experience this pregnancy symptom. Pressure literally reduce the size of the bladder is the cause of it. Your uterus beings to rise in the abdomen, and this annoying pregnancy symptom is the result. Increasing levels of pregnancy hormone progesterone stimulate the bladder muscles, so it feels much, although you might not need to urinate. Of all the pregnancy symptoms and signs that she is pregnant, women sometimes find this most annoying.

changes in taste and smell

Do not be surprised if you encounter this sign and symptom of pregnancy. Many women claim that certain foods make them feel vulnerable - while others experience a craving for other foods. Another sign of this pregnancy symptom, is a strange metallic taste.


One of the annoying signs and symptoms of a pregnant, constipation occurs.

CONFIRMING your pregnancy

Two weeks after conception, your baby is bigger than dope, consisting of a few balls of cells. As it begins to develop in the lining of the uterus, the placenta begins to form and produce necessary pregnancy hormones. Here are some ways to confirm that the pregnancy symptoms and signs of being pregnant that you notice is accurate and that you have a child.

home pregnancy test

Since it is very accurate, these tests can be purchased at a local pharmacy and can confirm pregnancy detection levels of hCG in urine. Your doctor may rely on this test, and may only repeating testing if complications arise. If you get a positive result, you May want to do an examination by a doctor, so I can confirm that you are pregnant and begin follow-up.

Office of urine

Much like the home pregnancy test, and office urine confirms pregnancy and detecting the level of HCG in the urine. Since it is almost 100% accurate, this test is not required to urinate first thing in the morning. This type of test can also determine that the signs and symptoms of being pregnant is true, and that your pregnancy symptoms are right.

Pregnancy blood

How to help out their pregnancy, health care providers can also perform a pregnancy blood test. This pregnancy test can give positive or negative result, and once again reveals the level of HCG. This time, it detects that level in the blood, and depending on the symptoms of pregnancy, helps them determine what kind of care given. Pregnancy blood is useful if you have any questions about abortion, or if there are indications that an unusual pregnancy occurs.


four to six weeks after conception, your doctor can receive indefinite proof by examining you internally. Certain characters, such as thickening of the vaginal tissues and the softening of the uterus will confirm that the pregnancy symptoms are right on!

Monday 31 October 2011

Autism Symptoms in Infants and Children

According to health officials and health workers, the exact cause of autism disorders is still unclear, although there is considerable agreement that there is some sort of genetic connection between the disorder and the afflicted person's genes. There are other variables that could be possible causes, such as environmental factors and immune system abnormalities. Nonetheless, most of all health and medical professionals agree that early intervention and diagnosis is still the best course of action to pursue.

Recognizing the early warning signs of disturbance

Past clinical studies have shown that the earlier a child is properly diagnosed and treatment is prescribed, the outcome in the long run will be much bolje.Ovo some of the National Institute of Mental Health early warning signs:

o In many cases, the child does not respond with a joyful expression on his face (that smile)

The child did not speak a word of time were 16 months old

A They do not understand how to play with their toys

O did not murmur, thoughtful and / or visible, or shows at the time they reach 12 months of age

A They do not maintain eye contact for any length of time, if you do not do it at all

O They began to combine two words together time they reach 2 years of age

O They rarely communicate with others, sometimes not at all

O They rarely respond to their names,

O They sometimes focus exclusively on a single object or toy

O They begin to lose acquired language and social skills

O They will focus on less critical or important issues, but they will focus on lining up some items or toys

warnings listed are the primary indicators of autism spectrum disorder to be present in an individual, although there are other ones to be aware of as well. What you need to remember is that there will be numerous explanations for most of the warnings that we mentioned in the paragraphs above.

Autism Early warning signs or symptoms in children

multiple clinical studies have shown the following warning signs and symptoms of autism in children to be present at certain ages:

Ø 6 months - the absence of smiling

about 9 months - not to exchange smiles and / or sounds from other individuals

on 1 year - the inability to chatter, and point to reach out to different objects, or wave to other near by

About 1 year, 4 months - lack or total lack of vocabulary development

about two years - the inability to create a simple phrase (two words)

of any age - regression of communication, social and / or language skills

During his childhood, there May be severe sensory problems to deal with during this period in a child's life, including abnormal reactions to certain sounds, tastes, and touching. Although mild autism can be handled with proper counseling and therapy, but severe autism is difficult.

Autism Symptoms in Infants and Children

According to health officials and health workers, the exact cause of autism disorders is still unclear, although there is considerable agreement that there is some sort of genetic connection between the disorder and the afflicted person's genes. There are other variables that could be possible causes, such as environmental factors and immune system abnormalities. Nonetheless, most of all health and medical professionals agree that early intervention and diagnosis is still the best course of action to pursue.

Recognizing the early warning signs of disturbance

Past clinical studies have shown that the earlier a child is properly diagnosed and treatment is prescribed, the outcome in the long run will be much bolje.Ovo some of the National Institute of Mental Health early warning signs:

o In many cases, the child does not respond with a joyful expression on his face (that smile)

The child did not speak a word of time were 16 months old

A They do not understand how to play with their toys

O did not murmur, thoughtful and / or visible, or shows at the time they reach 12 months of age

A They do not maintain eye contact for any length of time, if you do not do it at all

O They began to combine two words together time they reach 2 years of age

O They rarely communicate with others, sometimes not at all

O They rarely respond to their names,

O They sometimes focus exclusively on a single object or toy

O They begin to lose acquired language and social skills

O They will focus on less critical or important issues, but they will focus on lining up some items or toys

warnings listed are the primary indicators of autism spectrum disorder to be present in an individual, although there are other ones to be aware of as well. What you need to remember is that there will be numerous explanations for most of the warnings that we mentioned in the paragraphs above.

Autism Early warning signs or symptoms in children

multiple clinical studies have shown the following warning signs and symptoms of autism in children to be present at certain ages:

Ø 6 months - the absence of smiling

about 9 months - not to exchange smiles and / or sounds from other individuals

on 1 year - the inability to chatter, and point to reach out to different objects, or wave to other near by

About 1 year, 4 months - lack or total lack of vocabulary development

about two years - the inability to create a simple phrase (two words)

of any age - regression of communication, social and / or language skills

During his childhood, there May be severe sensory problems to deal with during this period in a child's life, including abnormal reactions to certain sounds, tastes, and touching. Although mild autism can be handled with proper counseling and therapy, but severe autism is difficult.

Friday 8 July 2011

Candida Die Off Symptoms Simply Explained

Some women experience what is called Candida die of symptoms when treating their infections. Why? Here you will learn the causes and how to prevent candida die of symptoms occurs when cure your candida.

Before we go any further, we just need to review what we know about the cause of Candida (yeast infection) ... The cause of frightening the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans. This natural fungus usually causes no problems for us, because the friendly bacteria in our bodies keeps the yeast under control. However, there are occasions when our good bacteria is not able to do so in the candida fungus overgrows or yeast infection.

then we have to treat infection with drug-based medications or natural or both. No, it does not matter which way you decide to go together in terms of trying to cure your candida, there are times when you might suffer a nasty Candida die off symptoms ...

Candida die off symptoms

Candida die off symptoms do not always happen, but they can occur as a result of the treatment of Candida in such a way that the candida albicans fungus from dying too fast for your body to handle. You see, like mushrooms dies produces toxins in your body. Now, if the rate of decay is "natural", then your body can handle these toxins so they do not suffer a reaction.

But if the decay is too fast for your body to handle, and then left the toxins can cause problems. It may even be more, or something completely different, such as depression, irritability, headache, anxiety, joint / muscle pain, diarrhea, etc.

the point is that although the candida die off symptoms are horrible, it does not mean that the drug does not work, does that really mean that! Do not forget that you are experiencing these symptoms just because the candida fungus dies. However, you want to avoid the death of the symptoms, if you ...

How to prevent candida die off symptoms

You can see then, how important it is to adjust the speed at which you initially begin any medication, to ensure that it not only works effectively, but it is so, it causes no complications in any of candida die off. So it was not drug use must be taken with caution in terms of how powerful it is and how quickly they can act on the fungus Candida albicans.

For example, one of the most important remedies for candida is to change your diet. As the fungus feeds on sugar to survive, it is important to avoid sugar in the diet. I break down carbohydrates in the diet of sugar during the digestive process. So, be careful not to suddenly stop this, but gradually removed over time.

the same with using things such as coconut oil, probiotics, garlic and other home remedies to eliminate your candida. Introduce them gradually to avoid killing the yeast too quickly. The same is true for even the drug-based anti-fungal medication, follow the instructions carefully. So take care and reap the rewards.

might want to know more and more women are successfully using completely cure their candida permanently without recurrence. To find out how they are able - some in just 12 hours - visit now and get the facts


Tuesday 28 June 2011

What You Need to Know About Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is a condition that mainly affects women, although men and children are not immune to such status. This situation is caused by overgrowth of Candida albicans. This is a normal flora of the intestine and other body parts, but when the moment there is an imbalance of normal flora in the region. Candida albicans can multiply rapidly and can result in what is known as candidiasis or more known as, a yeast infection.

If you suffer from thrush, this may be one of the most annoying and uncomfortable conditions. With symptoms such as vaginal discharge, pain during urination, skin rashes and skin lesions, it is easy to result in embarrassment and low self esteem. If you were trying to treat these symptoms, and now still has not achieved a cure for thrush, then you must be trying over the counter treatments or unproven home remedies for yeast infection.

the truth is, most widely available over the counter treatments and some home remedies for yeast infection is left untreated primary candidiasis. Instead, what they do is just mask the symptoms, or they just treat the symptoms not the disease. What will happen is that your infection will only resurface again and again, until you try a treatment that actually treats the root kandidijaze.Daljnje use of surface treatment of drug or treatment is simply a waste of time and money.

If you're finally fed up with treatment that does not work in the long run. Then it's time to change your thinking on the effective treatment of candidiasis. Here are some tips you can start at, and the home remedies for yeast infection is my preferred method for treating yeast infection, I'll focus on that a little more.

First of all, try with a proven and tested home remedies for yeast infekcije.Najbolji bet serious advice from people who have suffered from yeast infection and treated with natural methods of home remedy. This will certainly increase your chances of trying a drug that is proven and lasts well.

Also, try to avoid unproven methods or new method that has been proven by many. You do not want your body to science project. Although it is May need to try more new and pre-treatment, but this applies only to cases where the most tested and proven methods do not work. Keep in mind that pre-treatment also should advance of supervision.

Try to avoid drugs that are chemically based, and if you find a treatment that is chemical based, and only masks the symptoms, and then run and get out as fast as you can, they were immediately after their money ia not on welfare.

First, try these home remedies for yeast infection that is the least reported side effects. Although, natural methods are generally safer home, but in such cases it is better to be safe than žao.Dodatni precaution is very much welcomed by the story.